FSEM 131
Project 1

Picture of the selected painting found in art book due Wednesday, September 26.
Upload on Moodle a good replica from web

Final grid paper sketch due Friday, September 28.
Bring your sketch progress each class next week to receive feedback from the class.

Table due Wedneday, October 3.
Code TBA

Using the Processing language/environment develop a program that creates a composition of your own, as we have seen in class.

Plan and design a composition on paper: you must submit this paper sketch for approval before starting coding. I will not grade your assignment without this deterministic sketch on which your code is based.

Model your composition from a work of art, a figurative painting, that you found in a library art book. Your task is to first simplify its composition with primitive shapes. Write at the back of your paper sketch and later in your source code header (using comments) the work of art information and reference of the art book you used. The goals are to

Then in Processing you translates your paper sketch into code.


Your program obeys the following constraints. For this assignment a purely abstract composition is not acceptable, the image created by your code

30% of the evaluation is based on the quality and complexity of the composition created by your code: quality and complexity at least superior to the composition of the Little Red Riding Hood is expected.


Create a zip file

You should replace username with yours (mine is efourquet).

Upload the zip file on Moodle's using the Assignment 1 link and in the comment box you should respond to the following three questions.

  1. Are all the requirements completed? If no, list the missing ones.
  2. Did you do extra feature(s)? If yes, give short description(s).
  3. Are you giving me the permission to post your png picture on the course gallery?
    If yes, how do you want your name and the picture title to appear.
    (Blanks --anonymous/untitled-- are possible choices.)

Please hand-in your paper sketch after submitting your code. I will not be able to grade your work without it.