FSEM 131
Project 2
functions & interaction

Due Friday, December 7th, at 10:00 P.M.
*** Upload your PLAN on Moodle by Tuesday November, 27th, 10 P.M.***

Use the Processing language/environment to develop a program that creates a composition. The composition should include an animation and keyboard/mouse interactions; the implementation should use functions.
Design a composition that

Plan and design a composition on paper: you must submit this plan on Moodle and bring it to each lecture thereafter.

Select and model your composition on a painting, artistic poster, fine-art photography, or picture(s) of a sculpture. Abstract/synthesize/simplify the work to be able to turn it to code. Cite the work of art or image that inspired you in your source code header as a comment.

Your Processing program translates this plan to code.


Your program should have the following properties. In term of code style the following is required. Once, you have fulfil the requirements above, you may

20% of the evaluation is based on the quality and complexity of the composition created by your code.


If I do not see your paper plan by the above deadline the penalty is 10% of this work grade.

Code submission, create a zip file

You should replace username with yours (mine is efourquet).

For the final submission, upload the zip file on Moodle using the Project 2 link and in the comment box you should respond to the following questions.

  1. Describe each animation you created: for each the variable update that changes which element of the scene.
  2. Include key press you used: in addition to 'p' for pause and 's' for save frame.
  3. Describe the mouse interaction you implemented: how does it change the scene.
  4. Are all the requirements completed? If no, list the missing ones.
  5. Did you do anything extra? If yes, give short description(s).
  6. Are you giving me the permission to post your png picture on the course gallery?
    If yes, how do you want your name and the picture title to appear.
    (Blanks --anonymous/untitled-- are possible choices.)

    Thank you!