If you are a non-profit in Madison County, NY, and have a need for a web-based application, please contact me. Your need may align with a student project for my Software Engineering course.

Fall 2024

  • COSC255: Gadgets and Gizmos
  • COSC415: Software Engineering

Spring 2022

I led the Wales study group and taught COSC140: Developing Web Applications

Fall 2016–Spring 2017

I was on sabbatical during the 2016-17 academic year, and for part of that time in the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Spring 2016

I led the Wales study group and taught COSC140: Developing Web Applications

Courses taught in prior semesters

  • COSC 101: Intro to computing I
  • COSC 140: Developing web applications
  • COSC 208: Intro to computer systems
  • COSC 203/255: Gadgets and gizmos (co-taught with Prof. Noah Apthorpe)
  • COSC 301: Operating systems
  • COSC 465: Computer networking
  • COSC 415: Software engineering
  • CORE 199: Computing as a weapon
  • CORE 135: The underside of the Internet